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"You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest." John 4:35

Be the Church
Build the Church

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 Stewardship Campaign 

The following are the estimated costs of each phase of the project: 

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Worship Space – Adding an additional 15ft on the East and West side of the sanctuary adding an additional 2,100 sq ft. with comfortable theater seating and increased visibility - $300,000 

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Lobby Space – Closing the east and west awnings and creating a new main entrance with 2 sets of double glass doors as well as a warm and inviting space to gather and connect with additional seating and fireplace. This will provide an additional 1,600 sq ft of lobby space. $100,000 

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Kid Space – Tear down the original farmhouse (AKA Momentum Kids) and build a 2,500 sq ft building. It will provide double the space for our 1st to 5th Grade Kids. - $325,000 

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Office Space – Build a new 2,300 sq. ft office space that will allow all employees to operate from the same location with room to hire more employees to build our team - $275,000

Refer to the chart below to see the impact your gift will make for families over the next 3 years. Sunday, October 29th will be Commitment Sunday at MMC. It is then, we will commit to God, what He has laid on our hearts. We will give our FIRST and BEST offering towards this new campaign. Imagine what God can do with us as a church family when we pull together in faith and obedience. It’s time to expand our space, so more families can have a place to experience real change.


Steps to determine your faith commitment 

PRAY:This is the most important step in preparing your heart to respond to God’s call of action. Ask Him what He would have you give to make the vision a reality. Remember, these are gifts over and above your regular tithe.


LEAVE ROOM FOR FAITH: Trust God to provide what He impresses you to give, even if the amount is greater than the resources you can readily identify. Our greatest dreams are just the beginning for God. Expect the unbelievable.


GIVE SACRIFICIALLY: There are no limits to what God will do in and through us if we commit ourselves to sacrificial giving.



ways to commit to this faith journey

GIVE A CASH GIFT: Ask God for creative ways to increase your gift. You might consider savings, tax refunds, garage sales, or an extra part-time job. Also, consider reducing your expenses or deferring a major purchase as a sacrifice to God. involve your whole family in giving a specific amount.


MAKE A 36-MONTH GIVING COMMITMENT: the Bible teaches that spiritual maturity includes developing the habit of regular giving. Giving the first portion of our income shows that God really has first place in our lives. Also, you can give far more than you thought possible when it is spread out over time. 



Gift Schedule

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Project Goal: 


(Total Projected Cost)


Our Commitment

  1. Set alarm to 4:35pm

  2. Wear the bracelet

  3. Pray at 4:35 pm for 60 sec.

  4. Post pictures with #project435


Where It All Started


”It’s not the new buildings that are so exciting, it’s the lives that are going to be changed because of the new buildings.” - Moni & Cathy Keith
(First MMC Family)

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